Yosemite High School Home

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YHS Events Calendar
 Every student has the ability to learn and succeed. Learning is a shared responsibility between student, parent, teacher, school and community. We strive for excellence with a belief in high standards of ethical and professional behavior including trust, respect, responsibility, caring and citizenship.
Rainbow over YHS campus

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower every student to realize their full potential in life.
Graduation balloon floating in a cloudy sky


We want to provide the highest levels of student opportunity, aligning systems to support learning, focus on enhancing teaching and engaging students in their learning. We work to engage students, parents and the community in this mission by establishing and implementing robust communication systems in order to interact with school based activities and support school connected organizations. We strive to recruit, retain and develop the most knowledgeable, competent and committed staff by establishing clear achievement goals, providing ample growth and training opportunities and acknowledge success and accomplishments. We endeavor to serve as stewards of community resources. 

YHS Events Calendar